Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Savant recommends-

Some bloggers are overly chatty;
Some posture, or act really bratty.
This Texan, no trifle,
Shoots straight as a rifle.
In Cowtown? I'd step in on Pattie.


Cowtown Pattie said...

Awww, I love it!

Thanks! My own Limerick straight from the Savant!

Elisson said...

And not just any limerick...but one that has a Clever Cow Pattie Reference worked into it. "Step in" on Pattie, indeed.

This Limerick Savant's a master.
No one writes 'em more clever, or faster.
Some say there's no grimmer trick,
But a well-written limerick
In the High Church of Poems is the Pastor.

The Limerick Savant said...

The pleasure was mine.


You've shown you are quick with your wit
And like scatological sh*t.
What more is required?
And so you are hired
To replace the Savant. I can quit!

Didn't know it was a job interview, didya?